Quests for 6 People in Kharkiv
To participate in the quest, a team of six people needs to be sure that there is enough space even for so many people in the location. Often, companies are asked to make an additional payment for the participation of the sixth player, and therefore World of Quests recommends specifying the total cost of participation in the quest for six people before the game.
Квесты до 6 человек в Харькове
Role-playing QuestAstral
Role-playing QuestSuperheroes
Quest AnimationHarry
Quest AnimationJumanji
Quest AnimationPhenomenon
Quest AnimationSuperheroes
Role-playing QuestLaser tag
Action GameQuiz
Quiz CompanyThe Mystery of Caroline Pampel
City QuestPirates
Quest AnimationAround the world in 80 Days
Quest AnimationIllusion of deception
Quest AnimationПсиходелика Closed
QuestДракула Closed
QuestЧужой. Враг внутри Closed
QuestEncounter Closed
City QuestПо следам беглого профессора Closed
City QuestШпионы. Секретная миссия Closed
QuestГарри. Хижина Хагрида Closed
QuestОстров. Сокровища капитана Флинта Closed
QuestПодземелье. Сокровища гномов Closed
QuestДжуманджи. Испытание в джунглях Closed
QuestПрятки. Город тьмы Closed
Action GameОлимпия Closed
City QuestQuiz кино Closed
Quiz CompanyМетро 2033 Closed
QuestПленники Наутилуса Closed
QuestСталкер Closed
Quest AnimationКнига жизни Леонардо да Винчи Closed
QuestКарантин ин да Хаус Closed
QuestSurvive at any cost Closed
Quest AnimationHeads and tails Closed
Quest AnimationFriends Closed
Quest AnimationПираты. Проклятое золото ацтеков Closed
QuestМумия. Проклятие фараона Closed
QuestТайна масонов Closed
City QuestКосмос. Затерянные во вселенной Closed
QuestСвадебный квест Closed
City QuestМальчишник Closed
City QuestДевичник Closed
City QuestОфисный квест Closed
City QuestВремя - X Closed
City QuestСекрет старинного Харькова Closed
City QuestДорога домой Closed
City QuestРыцари. Заколдованное королевство Closed
QuestШерлок Холмс. Секрет Мориарти Closed
QuestНовая планета Closed
QuestMoulin Rouge Closed
QuestClassic 1 Closed
Quiz CompanyBorn in the 80s Closed
Quiz CompanyCinema and music 1 Closed
Quiz CompanyQuiz for children Closed
Quiz CompanyClassic 2 Closed
Quiz CompanyQuiz English Closed
Quiz CompanyFilm and music 2 Closed
Quiz Company