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Role-playing Quest Cards, Money, Two Hussars[Квест закрыт]

By Questoria (Kharkiv)

  • Players8 – 24
  • Time120 min
  • Price from 3960 UAH
  • Difficulty
  • ScarinessNot scary
  • Age14+
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Kharkiv ()

The venue depends on the schedule, check with the organizer for details

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1820 year. The war with Napoleon is long over, but there is no peace in the Russian Empire. There is not much time left before the Decembrist uprising. Young nobles talk about freedoms: the constitution, the parliament, the republic. These words stir the blood of the officers, but instill serious fears in the authorities. Freethinkers are waiting for prison and Siberia. But today, in the Zaretsky house, there are waltzes and polonaises, wine and cards, smiles of beauties and hussar uniforms. Young people discuss who will rule the empire if Emperor Alexander I abdicates. Emperor Constantine's brother does not seek to occupy the throne. Nicholas and the opponent of liberalism. County news is also enough. A dangerous fraudster is operating in the neighboring county, whom the authorities cannot catch. And a robber also appeared in the district, who robs, but does not kill. Yet. And, of course, they will discuss the Zaretskys - father and son. It is said that they had been quarreling for a long time, but now they decided to reconcile. The owner of the house intrigues the guests by promising to make an important announcement at the end of the evening. You will have to intrigue to get rich, overthrow the emperor and expose the conspirators, fight in duels, protecting the honor of the ladies, solder the hussar and, of course, gamble at cards!


The cost of the game for a team of 8 to 10 people is from 3,960 to 19,800 hryvnia. Surcharge for an additional player - from 396 to 1980 hryvnia

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