Quests for a Corporate Party in Kharkiv
Passing quests, teams encounter unexpected circumstances, try to avoid mistakes, make mistakes, but win - all this creates an excellent platform for team building.
Why are quests suitable for a corporate party? Most of the quests are designed to keep the players on their toes, and the puzzles are complex and logical, some can only be solved with the help of the whole team. In the quest room, you will be able to identify the leader, the team will unite, reflecting on joint decisions.
Квесты для корпоратива в Харькове
- Where am I? There are a lot of glassware, some multi-colored liquids in test tubes, beakers, flasks, experimental animals...AddRemoveQuestMadman's Laboratoryto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
- For exactly one hour, you will turn into Alice, who fell down the rabbit hole. Will you have time to get out? Mushroom to help you!AddRemoveQuestAlice in Wonderlandto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
- You wandered into a wild forest to a real shaman who conducts sacrifices for spiritsAddRemoveQuestVoodoo shamanto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
- You are a general economist for mom and dad. In fact, you are a professional hijackerAddRemoveQuestGarage. Gone in 60 minutesto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
- You will have to follow in the footsteps of a businessman to find out how he managed to escape? Or maybe it failedAddRemoveQuestPsychiatric No. 16to comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
- The ghost of a girl named Rosie has been wandering among the shadows of the old house for a whole centuryAddRemoveQuestRosie's favorite toyto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
- 1945 A deep sea expedition led by Howard Stark accidentally discovers a tesseractAddRemoveQuestTesseractto comparefrom compare
13+ 2–6
- Leave for an operation to save the world right now!AddRemoveQuestGhostbustersto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
- You are heading to the Alcatraz prison. This is the strictest prison for especially dangerous criminals.AddRemoveQuestEscape from Alcatrazto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
- The master of robbery, nicknamed the Professor, has assembled a team of specialists from different fields to implement a plan thought out over the yearsAddRemoveQuestBank Robberyto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
- Who accepts gullible patients - a professional doctor or a professional maniac?!AddRemoveQuestClinicto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–7
- Are you ready to undergo the rite of initiation and become a member of the powerful ancient order created by Pythagoras himself?AddRemoveQuestOrder of Pythagorasto comparefrom compare
12+ 3–6
- You have a full chance to immerse yourself in the characters of the most dynamic blockbusterAddRemoveQuestBank robberto comparefrom compare
13+ 2–6
- You need to find Homer, who disappeared several weeks agoAddRemoveQuestСімпсониto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
- You have just 75 minutes to outsmart the pirates and escape the Black PearlAddRemoveQuestPirates. Black Pearlto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–7
- Recently, the invincible ship "Flying Dutchman" has acquired a new captainAddRemoveQuestPirates of the Caribbeanto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
- Find the antidote formula, test it and give humanity another chanceAddRemoveQuestI'm a legendto comparefrom compare
13+ 2–6
- The action takes place at a secret metro station, where scientists conducted experiments under the heading “secret”.AddRemoveAction GameMetroto comparefrom compare
14+ 4–8
- Who is who? What kind of cargo is the yacht carrying? What does the captain keep in his safe? Who can be trusted? All this is up to you to find out!AddRemoveRole-playing QuestEscape across the Atlanticto comparefrom compare
14+ 8–18
Escape across the Atlantic
Role-playing Quest
- Never play a board game unless you know the rulesAddRemoveQuest AnimationJumanjito comparefrom compare
10+ 5–30
Quest Animation
- How many secret societies do you know? Freemasons, Templars... And those that influence modern society?AddRemoveQuest AnimationIllusion of deceptionto comparefrom compare
18+ 5–30
Illusion of deception
Quest Animation
- To investigate this case and find the criminals, the investigator will need your help...AddRemoveQuest AnimationPhenomenonto comparefrom compare
18+ 5–30
Quest Animation
- Psychics of the club "Astral" have the gift to penetrate into the other world...AddRemoveRole-playing QuestAstralto comparefrom compare
18+ 3–7
Role-playing Quest
- There are no friends here. Anyone can be a traitor. And everyone has something to hideAddRemoveRole-playing QuestAtonementto comparefrom compare
14+ 4–6
Role-playing Quest
- If you have long dreamed of a party in the style of “What? Where? When?”, then this is what you needAddRemoveQuiz CompanyQuizto comparefrom compare
18+ 5–30
Quiz Company
- Playing laser tag is an active form of recreation for children and adultsAddRemoveAction GameLaser tagto comparefrom compare
14+ 5–30
Laser tag
Action Game
- You have to get through traps, experiment with artifacts, shoot at border violators, intrigue to achieve the mayor's chair, find a cure for a deadly virus, expose aliens, make a great discovery for all mankindAddRemoveRole-playing QuestCity of Stalkersto comparefrom compare
18+ 15–50
City of Stalkers
Role-playing Quest
- You have to deal with a mysterious anomaly and save the galaxy, test yourself in the art of diplomacy, protect your homeland, and most importantly - decide: peace or war to the bitter end.AddRemoveRole-playing QuestThe fate of the galaxyto comparefrom compare
14+ 8–21
The fate of the galaxy
Role-playing Quest
- You have to figure out secret agents, decipher the black box records, restore the station's systems and, possibly, use a superweaponAddRemoveRole-playing QuestSpace trapto comparefrom compare
14+ 8–19
Space trap
Role-playing Quest
- Not everyone will survive. Can you survive? Probably noAddRemoveRole-playing QuestZombieto comparefrom compare
14+ 8–20
Role-playing Quest
- You have to hate and love, revenge and forgive. What will become your weapon - a sword and a prayer or a poisoned dagger and black witchcraft?AddRemoveRole-playing QuestVerona Massacreto comparefrom compare
18+ 8–18
Verona Massacre
Role-playing Quest
- Hurry! Oscar won't wait long! And don't forget to grab a pen for signing autographs!AddRemoveRole-playing QuestHollywoodto comparefrom compare
12+ 29–304
Role-playing Quest
- You have to join the fight for the Grail, conjure and resist evil spells, fight in a fair duel, glorify your name and sacrifice everything for the future of your peopleAddRemoveRole-playing QuestEnchanted Castleto comparefrom compare
14+ 8–20
Enchanted Castle
Role-playing Quest
- The Dark Lord is back, now he has gained enough power to take over the Ministry of MagicAddRemoveQuestWizard Harryto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–10
- Try yourself as a student of Leonardo da Vinci and evaluate your capabilities! Dare!AddRemoveQuestSecrets of da Vincito comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
- The dungeons of Count Dracula's castle do not let out those who come to see them, just like that. He will have to fight the vampire king himself to get outAddRemoveQuestCastle Count Draculato comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
- You, a group of young detectives, go on the first official murder investigation in your career...AddRemoveQuestMurder in the castle of Saint Marbelto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–8
- You decided to steal the treasures of the pirates, but the case was not successfulAddRemoveQuestTreasures of the Pirate Tavernto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
- AddRemoveQuestОграбление Межигорьяto comparefrom compare
Ограбление Межигорья Closed
- Придется преодолеть многие сложности, которые подготовила для вас комната, и не надейтесь, что будет легко – освобождайте мысли от будничных проблем, вооружайтесь логикой и вперед прокачивать свою психикуAddRemoveQuestПсиходеликаto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–8
Психоделика Closed
- Only brave and intelligent groups of people will be able to go back to correct the situation on Earth, the rest will not leave the mazeAddRemovePerformanceMazeto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–15
- These are not the best times for Hogwarts...AddRemoveQuestHogwartsto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
- The threat of the north in the form of white walkers and their resurrected servants makes it clear that soon there will be nothing to ruleAddRemoveQuestGame of Thronesto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
- Ваша команда выходит из анабиоза под вой сирен. Таймер самоуничтожения вашего космического корабля запущен, а на борту кроме вас есть кто-то чужой...AddRemoveQuestЧужой. Враг внутриto comparefrom compare
14+ 3–6
Чужой. Враг внутри Closed
- Very often, the police cannot investigate all events. We decided to fix this situation, so we are recruiting a new teamAddRemoveQuestCase: Chikatiloto comparefrom compare
16+ 2–6
- There are several places in the quest that symbolize one country or another. Each of them contains an actor with a task that you need to completeAddRemoveQuest AnimationHeads and tailsto comparefrom compare
18+ 5–30
Heads and tails Closed
Quest Animation
- Игрокам нужно найти как можно больше артефактов и не попасться в сети монстров. Вас ждет город с инфраструктурой и лабиринтамиAddRemoveAction GameПрятки. Город тьмыto comparefrom compare
8+ 2–12
Прятки. Город тьмы Closed
Action Game
- You have to duel and recruit into a secret society, prevent a new terrorist attack or organize an assassination attempt on the tsarist minister. And, of course, live the life of poets in the literary salon of the Silver AgeAddRemoveRole-playing QuestSilver Ageto comparefrom compare
14+ 9–21
Silver Age Closed
Role-playing Quest
- You have to intrigue to achieve wealth, overthrow the emperor and expose the conspirators, fight duels, defending the honor of the ladies, solder the hussars and, of course, recklessly play cardsAddRemoveRole-playing QuestCards, Money, Two Hussarsto comparefrom compare
14+ 8–24
Cards, Money, Two Hussars Closed
Role-playing Quest
- Remember how you watched the participants of the Fort Boyard show with bated breath?AddRemoveAction GameFort Boyardto comparefrom compare
6+ 8–60
- The team, represented by the main characters Walter and Jesse, was captured by drug lords for debtsAddRemoveQuestBreaking Badto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
- Every sitcom fan is familiar with the series "Friends"AddRemoveQuest AnimationFriendsto comparefrom compare
14+ 5–30
Friends Closed
Quest Animation
- How would you behave if you found yourself in a place isolated from civilization without means of communication or even a compass with a map?AddRemoveQuest AnimationSurvive at any costto comparefrom compare
18+ 5–30
Survive at any cost Closed
Quest Animation
- Вы – команда ассистентов знаменитого врача-диагностаAddRemoveQuestКарантин ин да Хаусto comparefrom compare
16+ 2–6
Карантин ин да Хаус Closed
- Леонардо да Винчи – гений, на столетия опередивший свое времяAddRemoveQuestКнига жизни Леонардо да Винчиto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
Книга жизни Леонардо да Винчи Closed
- Вам не повезло попасть в руки пиратов Черной бородыAddRemoveQuestПираты. Проклятое золото ацтековto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
Пираты. Проклятое золото ацтеков Closed
- Тысячелетия спустя заброшенная гробница Эхнатона найдена среди пустыни!AddRemoveQuestМумия. Проклятие фараонаto comparefrom compare
14+ 3–6
Мумия. Проклятие фараона Closed
- Представьте, что вы оказались в радиоактивной зоне...AddRemoveQuest AnimationСталкерto comparefrom compare
10+ 5–30
Сталкер Closed
Quest Animation
- Вы – команда сталкеров со станции Индустриальная, должны добраться до заброшенной станции Госпром в поисках секретного Метро-2AddRemoveQuestМетро 2033to comparefrom compare
14+ 3–6
Метро 2033 Closed
- Global warming is in full swing on Earth. But the massive melting of glaciers leads to the fact that the temperature of the world's oceans does not rise, but on the contrary, sharply decreasesAddRemoveQuestThe day after tomorrowto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
- Покиньте таинственный «Наутилус», пока капитан не отдал приказ на погружение!AddRemoveQuestПленники Наутилусаto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
Пленники Наутилуса Closed
- Интересные загадки, сложные ребусы, поиск ключей и ответов на своей территорииAddRemoveCity QuestОфисный квестto comparefrom compare
18+ 2–40
Офисный квест Closed
City Quest
- Become students of the school of magic to unravel its mysteriesAddRemoveQuestHogwartsto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
- Вы с друзьями посещаете музей КГБ...AddRemoveQuestМузей КГБto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–5
- Gather your team and register for the game!AddRemoveQuiz CompanyClassic 1to comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
Classic 1 Closed
Quiz Company
- There are about 10 rounds of tasks in the game, each of which will be connected in one way or another with your childhood and youthAddRemoveQuiz CompanyBorn in the 80sto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
Born in the 80s Closed
Quiz Company
- Это командная интеллектуальная игра, в которой вы сможете продемонстрировать свои знания в области кино и музыкиAddRemoveQuiz CompanyCinema and music 1to comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
Cinema and music 1 Closed
Quiz Company
- Participants will face tasks that they will have to think about and accept the final version of the answer together with their teamAddRemoveQuiz CompanyClassic 2to comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
Classic 2 Closed
Quiz Company
- Knowledge of a foreign language in the modern world is becoming a necessity for working and communicating with foreign friends and acquaintancesAddRemoveQuiz CompanyQuiz Englishto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
Quiz English Closed
Quiz Company
- This is a team intellectual game in which you can demonstrate your knowledge in the field of cinema and musicAddRemoveQuiz CompanyFilm and music 2to comparefrom compare
12+ 2–10
Film and music 2 Closed
Quiz Company